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Breaking changes with 0.1.4?

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Breaking changes with 0.1.4?

23 posts
Hi all,

I'm using Asciidoctor through the Asciidoctor Gradle plugin.
I was using version 0.5.0 of the plugin which used the previous version of Asciidoctor, but I decided to try the latest version, 0.6.0, that Andrés has just released, and which is using Asciidoctor 0.1.4.
There are a few very interesting features I'm longing to try and integration for the Groovy documentation :-)

But alas, I'm encountering some issues...

In a nutshell, here's the log of my build after the upgrade:

The tons of warnings seem to be related to includes.
It seems somehow the default base path, or something like that, has changed?
Or is it something specific to the Gradle plugin?

I'm using includes like this:


Basically, it's a relative path, ie. relative to my core-syntax.adoc file doing the above include.

But instead of resolving the fully qualified path to:

It's resolved instead to :

So it seems somehow now that the relative path is resolved against the root of the project, rather than relative to the document.
Issue with Asciidoctor or with the plugin?

And the other issue I'm seeing in the build log is this serialization issue with JRuby:
java.io.NotSerializableException: org.jruby.Ruby

It's the big stacktrace at the end of the logs.

It might also be related to the Gradle plugin though, as it seems that it's Gradle trying to somehow serialize it:

org.gradle.api.UncheckedIOException: Could not add entry ':asciidoctor' to cache taskArtifacts.bin (/Users/glaforge/Projects/groovy/groovy-git/.gradle/1.7/taskArtifacts/taskArtifacts.bin).

Any hint will be most welcome :-)

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Re: Breaking changes with 0.1.4?

23 posts
At least for the problem with the includes, it's related to that change:

Which is the fact the relative path is now resolved against the project's path, and not the document's path, which I guess makes more sense anyway.

Now... onto the Gradle related problem...
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Re: Breaking changes with 0.1.4?

31 posts
This is indeed the case. Previous to 0.6.0 the base_dir property was not set by the gradle plugin, thus leaving it open for aSciidoctor to figure out. This omission caused no trouble in single project build but created problems in a multi project build as it was automatically set to the root project's dir, no matter if the asciidcotor task was being executed in a subproject. From now on, the base_dir property will be set to the current project's directory, so paths should always be relative to the project where the asciidoctor task is being applied.

The gradle problem might be caused by an attempt to serialize (by the Gradle daemon) an error caused by the non-relative paths in order to cache tasks outputs. Further investigation is needed.

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Re: Breaking changes with 0.1.4?

298 posts
Hello, we can talk tomorrow about exactly the problem of serialization, but before that let me show you the code that deals with HashMap to RubyHash:

This method is called when you want to render something (in this case an string). The Map (the one you had send as argument) is received as argument and is converted to RubyHash by using RubyHashUtil.

public String render(String content, Map<String, Object> options) {

        RubyHash rubyHash = RubyHashUtil.convertMapToRubyHashWithSymbols(
                rubyRuntime, options);

        Object object = this.asciidoctorModule.render(content, rubyHash);
        return returnExpectedValue(object);


Note that a new instance of hash is created, and then for each element, the key is converted to a Ruby symbol, and the value to a Ruby object calling toRubyObject.

 public static RubyHash convertMapToRubyHashWithSymbols(Ruby rubyRuntime,
            Map<String, Object> options) {

        RubyHash rubyHash = new RubyHash(rubyRuntime);

        Set<Entry<String, Object>> optionsSet = options.entrySet();

        for (Entry<String, Object> entry : optionsSet) {

            String key = entry.getKey();
            Object value = entry.getValue();

            RubySymbol newSymbol = RubyUtils.toSymbol(rubyRuntime, key);
            IRubyObject iRubyValue = toRubyObject(rubyRuntime, value);

            rubyHash.put(newSymbol, iRubyValue);


        return rubyHash;


 private static IRubyObject toRubyObject(Ruby rubyRuntime, Object value) {

        if (value instanceof List) {
            return toRubyArray(rubyRuntime, (List) value);
        } else {

            if(value instanceof String) {
                String stringValue = ((String)value);
                if(stringValue.startsWith(":")) {
                    return RubyUtils.toSymbol(rubyRuntime, stringValue.substring(1));                    
            IRubyObject iRubyObject = JavaEmbedUtils.javaToRuby(rubyRuntime,
            return iRubyObject;

    private static IRubyObject toRubyArray(Ruby rubyRuntime, List values) {

        RubyArray rubyArray = RubyArray.newArray(rubyRuntime, values.size());

        for (Object value : values) {
            rubyArray.add(toRubyObject(rubyRuntime, value));

        return rubyArray;

Hope this clarifies a bit what AJI is doing internally, for what I understand, you need that AJI in high level it creates a copy of given options, right?
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Re: Breaking changes with 0.1.4?

2681 posts
In reply to this post by aalmiray
On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 5:17 AM, aalmiray [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
This is indeed the case. Previous to 0.6.0 the base_dir property was not set by the gradle plugin, thus leaving it open for aSciidoctor to figure out. This omission caused no trouble in single project build but created problems in a multi project build as it was automatically set to the root project's dir, no matter if the asciidcotor task was being executed in a subproject. From now on, the base_dir property will be set to the current project's directory, so paths should always be relative to the project where the asciidoctor task is being applied.


I believe this change is also being made to the Maven plugin as well so we're consistent.

Another thing that changed in Asciidoctor 0.1.4 (which may need to be tested in the context of the Gradle plugin) is how the path of an include directive that appears within a file included from a subdirectory is resolved (e.g., a.adoc includes "subdir/b.adoc" and b.adoc includes "c.adoc", how is "c.adoc" resolved?). The path is now resolved relative to the file which contains the include directive (e.g., "c.adoc" resolves to subdir/c.adoc).

I've tested this behavior with the Gradle plugin and what I've discovered is that when base_dir is set, "c.adoc" is still resolved relative to b.adoc and it gets included, but a warning is issued that says the file cannot be found. Hmm.

The rules for resolving include paths needs to be better clarified in Asciidoctor, and then in the plugins. I have filed an issue against Asciidoctor 1.5.0 [1].

Keep in mind that you can access the path of the master file (the file at the top of the include stack) using the attribute reference {docdir} (read "docdir" as "master document directory"). Thus, to resolve c.adoc in theory, you might use:


However, I'm noticing that there is an issue resolving this path as well, likely due to a conflict with base_dir. The best strategy at this point may be to chart it out so that we can determine what we expect in each case and try to get the behavior to match it. (Paths are such a nightmare :))

Andres, I wonder if for this release, a better solution is to set the attribute "projectdir" so it resolves to the project directory, then let this be used by authors like:


Then we can resolve the issues with base_dir such that if we set it in the future, this include would work the same with or without the {projectdir} segment. wdyt?


p.s. I want to point out that a major part of the Asciidoctor 1.5.0 release is a proper user guide, which is being drafted by Sarah as we speak. A key focus of that guide is to sort out the confusion about how certain features like path resolution work so that a) we can understand them and b) we can change the behavior to make it more intuitive. The AsciiDoc (Python) user guide leaves *a lot* of gray area in places like this. We're going to make it right.

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Re: Breaking changes with 0.1.4?

31 posts
mojavelinux wrote
Andres, I wonder if for this release, a better solution is to set the
attribute "projectdir" so it resolves to the project directory, then let
this be used by authors like:


Then we can resolve the issues with base_dir such that if we set it in the
future, this include would work the same with or without the {projectdir}
segment. wdyt?
OK, if I understood correctly the gradle plugin should set projectdir and leave base_dir without value (unless it was specified?)

Conceptually speaking, what's the difference between base_dir and projectdir? Specially in the context of a multi project build.

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Re: Breaking changes with 0.1.4?

23 posts
In reply to this post by mojavelinux
On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 11:51 PM, mojavelinux [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

p.s. I want to point out that a major part of the Asciidoctor 1.5.0 release is a proper user guide, which is being drafted by Sarah as we speak. A key focus of that guide is to sort out the confusion about how certain features like path resolution work so that a) we can understand them and b) we can change the behavior to make it more intuitive. The AsciiDoc (Python) user guide leaves *a lot* of gray area in places like this. We're going to make it right.

Also, a comprehensive overview of all the possible elements of syntax, etc.
Including all those changes / improvements / new features that have been listed in the release notes, and so on.
I really miss a one stop shop where I can find everything :-)

Guillaume Laforge
Groovy Project Manager
Pivotal, Inc.

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Re: Breaking changes with 0.1.4?

2681 posts
In reply to this post by aalmiray

On Oct 9, 2013 2:49 AM, "aalmiray [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> mojavelinux wrote
>> Andres, I wonder if for this release, a better solution is to set the
>> attribute "projectdir" so it resolves to the project directory, then let
>> this be used by authors like:
>> include::{projectdir}/src/java/org/example/Sample.java[]
>> Then we can resolve the issues with base_dir such that if we set it in the
>> future, this include would work the same with or without the {projectdir}
>> segment. wdyt?
> OK, if I understood correctly the gradle plugin should set projectdir and leave base_dir without value (unless it was specified?)

Correct. We would basically be leaving this up to the user to set for now. I'm assuming there's some variable in Gradle that has this information, so it's easy to set.

> Conceptually speaking, what's the difference between base_dir and projectdir? Specially in the context of a multi project build.

Right now it's because base_dir has affects on the internal behavior of Asciidoctor. base_dir is a jail path. For some reason, the various conceptual roots in a Gradle project (project root, module root, docs dir root, source dir root and pwd) are confusing the logic of how base_dir is factored in.

The projectdir (if you think that's the right name) should be an absolute path. That way, when prepended to a relative include path without base_dir set should resolve to exactly where you intend it to resolve.

We then have time to think about exactly how we want base_dir to affect path resolution in this environment and enable it in the next release.

Sound reasonable?


p.s. I think projectdir is generally useful to have, as would moduledir, hence why I think adding them now makes sense anyway.

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Re: Breaking changes with 0.1.4?

2681 posts
In reply to this post by glaforge

On Oct 9, 2013 2:35 AM, "glaforge [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 11:51 PM, mojavelinux [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> [...]
>> p.s. I want to point out that a major part of the Asciidoctor 1.5.0 release is a proper user guide, which is being drafted by Sarah as we speak. A key focus of that guide is to sort out the confusion about how certain features like path resolution work so that a) we can understand them and b) we can change the behavior to make it more intuitive. The AsciiDoc (Python) user guide leaves *a lot* of gray area in places like this. We're going to make it right.
> Also, a comprehensive overview of all the possible elements of syntax, etc.
> Including all those changes / improvements / new features that have been listed in the release notes, and so on.
> I really miss a one stop shop where I can find everything :-)

That's exactly the plan.

It's a living working draft, btw:


Note that not all the information in there is accurate yet (but certainly a majority of it is). I still need to do a full technical review. Anyone else is welcome to as well. Just keep in mind, if you see something that doesn't seem right, just speak up.


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Re: Breaking changes with 0.1.4?

31 posts
In reply to this post by mojavelinux
Should this new attribute be named project_dir in order to be consistent with other dir like attribute names?
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Re: Breaking changes with 0.1.4?

31 posts
In reply to this post by asotobu
I've traced the API call that injects Ruby into the options Map set from AsciidoctorTask, it's this one

Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
        at org.asciidoctor.internal.JRubyAsciidoctor.addRubyRuntimeAsAttribute(JRubyAsciidoctor.java:171)
        at org.asciidoctor.internal.JRubyAsciidoctor.renderFile(JRubyAsciidoctor.java:158)
        at org.asciidoctor.Asciidoctor$renderFile.call(Unknown Source)
        at org.asciidoctor.gradle.AsciidoctorTask$_processAllDocuments_closure1.doCall(AsciidoctorTask.groovy:123)
        at org.asciidoctor.gradle.AsciidoctorTask.processAllDocuments(AsciidoctorTask.groovy:114)
        ... 88 more

I found out by wrapping the options/attributes map with an immutable one. So anyway, our current fix (defensive copying of options/attributes) works just fine as Gradle will keep the original maps for caching and asciidoctor-java modifies its copy to its heart's content.

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Re: Breaking changes with 0.1.4?

31 posts
In reply to this post by aalmiray
Another thing wrt setting a value for base_dir automagically, even if asiidoctor-gradle sets projectDir (or project_dir) it looks like some properties would still resolve to the rootProject's directory rather than the current child directory as explained in https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-gradle-plugin/issues/19

Setting base_dir to the current project's directory solves the problem (see options.templates_dir and options.attributes.imagesdir). I'm leaning towards defining a value for attributes.projectdir (I see now that in attributes the *dir suffix is preferred over *_dir) to be equal to base_dir for the time being. wdyt?
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Re: Breaking changes with 0.1.4?

2681 posts
On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 1:17 PM, aalmiray [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Another thing wrt setting a value for base_dir automagically, even if asiidoctor-gradle sets projectDir (or project_dir) it looks like some properties would still resolve to the rootProject's directory rather than the current child directory as explained in https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-gradle-plugin/issues/19

I'll review those scenarios, then cast my vote once a have a more solid understanding of the implications.

Setting base_dir to the current project's directory solves the problem (see options.templates_dir and options.attributes.imagesdir). I'm leaning towards defining a value for attributes.projectdir (I see now that in attributes the *dir suffix is preferred over *_dir) to be equal to base_dir for the time being. wdyt?


Speaking of attribute name consistency, AsciiDoc isn't very consistent in this area. Generally, though, the nameswithnospaces is used. For instance, docdir, docfile, imagesdir, stylesdir, etc.

In contrast, options always use the underscore_separated syntax. For instance, base_dir, in_place, template_dirs, etc. Options are confined to the API, which is why we were able to make the change w/o impacting AsciiDoc compatibility. base_dir lives outside the document. The document isn't able to see this value (as part of the security requirements).

Attribute naming conventions is a topic I'd like to discuss in a separate thread in the near future. My idea is to allow attributes to be entered using names_separated_by_underscores but then store and resolve them with the underscores removed. That way, the style is up to the author. In order to do that, however, I need to switch to the new attribute manager I've been prototyping so that the logic for storage and lookup is encapsulated.


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Re: Breaking changes with 0.1.4?

2681 posts
In reply to this post by aalmiray
On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Dan Allen <[hidden email]> wrote:

Speaking of attribute name consistency, AsciiDoc isn't very consistent in this area. Generally, though, the nameswithnospaces is used. For instance, docdir, docfile, imagesdir, stylesdir, etc.

In contrast, options always use the underscore_separated syntax. For instance, base_dir, in_place, template_dirs, etc. Options are confined to the API, which is why we were able to make the change w/o impacting AsciiDoc compatibility. base_dir lives outside the document. The document isn't able to see this value (as part of the security requirements).

Attribute naming conventions is a topic I'd like to discuss in a separate thread in the near future. My idea is to allow attributes to be entered using names_separated_by_underscores but then store and resolve them with the underscores removed. That way, the style is up to the author. In order to do that, however, I need to switch to the new attribute manager I've been prototyping so that the logic for storage and lookup is encapsulated.

I'm sure Guillaume would agree that we are creeping into the realm of language design here. That's one of the reasons I'm so thrilled that Guillaume is part of this community. Guillaume, your expertise on language design will no doubt prove central to the evolution of this syntax!


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Re: Breaking changes with 0.1.4?

298 posts
In reply to this post by mojavelinux
Andres thanks for the stacktrace now I see the problem. This will change for next version so you don t have to clone the map. In fact it will be not necessary to clone nothing because I am going to create a context environment to get the Ruby environment for extensions instead of using as attribute which throws this exception in Gradle

El dimecres 9 d’octubre de 2013, mojavelinux [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] ha escrit:

On Oct 9, 2013 2:35 AM, "glaforge [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 11:51 PM, mojavelinux [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> [...]
>> p.s. I want to point out that a major part of the Asciidoctor 1.5.0 release is a proper user guide, which is being drafted by Sarah as we speak. A key focus of that guide is to sort out the confusion about how certain features like path resolution work so that a) we can understand them and b) we can change the behavior to make it more intuitive. The AsciiDoc (Python) user guide leaves *a lot* of gray area in places like this. We're going to make it right.
> Also, a comprehensive overview of all the possible elements of syntax, etc.
> Including all those changes / improvements / new features that have been listed in the release notes, and so on.
> I really miss a one stop shop where I can find everything :-)

That's exactly the plan.

It's a living working draft, btw:


Note that not all the information in there is accurate yet (but certainly a majority of it is). I still need to do a full technical review. Anyone else is welcome to as well. Just keep in mind, if you see something that doesn't seem right, just speak up.


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Re: Breaking changes with 0.1.4?

23 posts
In reply to this post by mojavelinux

On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 10:09 PM, mojavelinux [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I'm sure Guillaume would agree that we are creeping into the realm of language design here. That's one of the reasons I'm so thrilled that Guillaume is part of this community. Guillaume, your expertise on language design will no doubt prove central to the evolution of this syntax!

Oh flattery :-)

Consistency is of course very important.
The problem seems that AsciiDoc itself hasn't been all that consistent in the first place, so I guess it puts Asciidoctor in a problematic situation with regards compatibility.
If there's no interference with and without underscores, I would argue that supporting both the way you mention (through underscore removal basically) is a good compromise. Users not remembering if there's an underscore or not won't be bothered if they make a typo :-) It's quite forgiving! And it's pragmatic.

Guillaume Laforge
Groovy Project Manager
Pivotal, Inc.

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Re: Breaking changes with 0.1.4?

23 posts
In reply to this post by mojavelinux
> Also, a comprehensive overview of all the possible elements of syntax, etc.
> Including all those changes / improvements / new features that have been listed in the release notes, and so on.
> I really miss a one stop shop where I can find everything :-)

That's exactly the plan.

It's a living working draft, btw:


Note that not all the information in there is accurate yet (but certainly a majority of it is). I still need to do a full technical review. Anyone else is welcome to as well. Just keep in mind, if you see something that doesn't seem right, just speak up.

An example I didn't find in the user guide (and had difficulties finding in AsciiDoc's documentation) was how to use unicode escape characters. 
Say, you want the Euro symbol... I tried \u20AC like in programming languages... but it didn't work.
AsciiDoc(tor) actually use the entities notation like in HTML, ie. &#20AC;
I was searching for "unicode escape sequence" and such, but didn't find anything... until somehow I stumbled upon the entities notation :-)

Anyhow, the user guide has nicely evolved over time already, and is becoming more and more comprehensive!
That's really very useful!

Guillaume Laforge
Groovy Project Manager
Pivotal, Inc.

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Re: Breaking changes with 0.1.4?

2681 posts
In reply to this post by glaforge
On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 1:25 AM, glaforge [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 10:09 PM, mojavelinux [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I'm sure Guillaume would agree that we are creeping into the realm of language design here. That's one of the reasons I'm so thrilled that Guillaume is part of this community. Guillaume, your expertise on language design will no doubt prove central to the evolution of this syntax!

Oh flattery :-)

;) Oh, but it's more than that. I'm glad just to get to know you and to give you something in return for your hard work.

Consistency is of course very important.
The problem seems that AsciiDoc itself hasn't been all that consistent in the first place, so I guess it puts Asciidoctor in a problematic situation with regards compatibility.

In the short term, yes. Once Asciidoctor reaches a point where it's the most widely adopted implementation, hands down, the plan is to start _defining_ compatibility. I'm already taking a lot of notes for what we'll want to add, improve or drop when we're ready to make a formal specification, based on the experiences flowing through this community.
If there's no interference with and without underscores, I would argue that supporting both the way you mention (through underscore removal basically) is a good compromise. Users not remembering if there's an underscore or not won't be bothered if they make a typo :-) It's quite forgiving! And it's pragmatic.

Exactly. Thanks for sharing that insight. I'll put it on the roadmap then.


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Re: Breaking changes with 0.1.4?

2681 posts
In reply to this post by glaforge
On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 1:31 AM, glaforge [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Also, a comprehensive overview of all the possible elements of syntax, etc.
> Including all those changes / improvements / new features that have been listed in the release notes, and so on.
> I really miss a one stop shop where I can find everything :-)

That's exactly the plan.

It's a living working draft, btw:


Note that not all the information in there is accurate yet (but certainly a majority of it is). I still need to do a full technical review. Anyone else is welcome to as well. Just keep in mind, if you see something that doesn't seem right, just speak up.

An example I didn't find in the user guide (and had difficulties finding in AsciiDoc's documentation) was how to use unicode escape characters. 
Say, you want the Euro symbol... I tried \u20AC like in programming languages... but it didn't work.
AsciiDoc(tor) actually use the entities notation like in HTML, ie. &#20AC;
I was searching for "unicode escape sequence" and such, but didn't find anything... until somehow I stumbled upon the entities notation :-)

Thanks for pointing that out. That's exactly the type of feedback I'm hoping for. I'll make sure that phrasing gets included.

Anyhow, the user guide has nicely evolved over time already, and is becoming more and more comprehensive!
That's really very useful!

That's good to hear. We have a lot more coming, including new content, clarifications and more examples. When we're "done", the AsciiDoc User Guide will be nothing more than a relic :)


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Re: Breaking changes with 0.1.4?

2681 posts
In reply to this post by asotobu
On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 11:30 PM, asotobu [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Andres thanks for the stacktrace now I see the problem. This will change for next version so you don t have to clone the map. In fact it will be not necessary to clone nothing because I am going to create a context environment to get the Ruby environment for extensions instead of using as attribute which throws this exception in Gradle

That's great news, Alex! The cleaner the integration, the more comfortable users will feel about the use of JRuby.

