Accessing Middleman helper functions within Asciidoctor templates

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Accessing Middleman helper functions within Asciidoctor templates

In relation to a few of my other posts, I'm marching along with trying to make a pretty HTML template with with ASCIIdoc(tor).

I have a data file in /data that has various source lookup information:

apacheconf   : "Apache Configuration"
apl          : "APL"
applescript  : "AppleScript"
asciidoc     : "AsciiDoc"
aspnet       : "ASP.NET (C#)"

I have a helper function that, when placed in config.rb and used with ERB works fine:

  def displayname(name)
    if data.displaynames[name]
      return data.displaynames[name]
      return name.titlecase

I have two problems:

1) With "displayname" defined in config.rb and called from inside a template file (eg: /source/templates/block_listing.html.haml) I get an "undefined method" error.

2) With "displayname" defined in /source/templates/helpers.rb the function works, but then I get "undefined local variable or method 'data'"

So, I seem to be caught between a rock and a hard place. If Middleman knows about the helper/data, Asciidoctor's template processor doesn't know about the helper. If Asciidoctor knows about the helper, it doesn't know about Middleman's data.
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Re: Accessing Middleman helper functions within Asciidoctor templates

I'm kind of thinking out loud here, but I am wondering if this is some kind of preprocessor extension that requires the middleman stuff and then makes the data tree and functions available, but I kind of sort of tried that without much success. I'll fuss with it a little more, but I wonder if that's even the right track.
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Re: Accessing Middleman helper functions within Asciidoctor templates

I'm really just floundering here, but here's what I tried...

I created "lib" and then created "middleman-data.rb" which contains:

require 'middleman-core'
require 'middleman-core/core_extensions/data'
require 'asciidoctor'
require 'asciidoctor/extensions'

class MiddlemanDataPreprocessor < Asciidoctor::Extensions::Preprocessor
  def process document, reader

Asciidoctor::Extensions.register do
  preprocessor MiddlemanDataPreprocessor

This file looks like it's loaded by middleman:

== File Change: lib/middleman-data.rb

I then put a binding.pry inside my source/templates/block_listing.html.haml but, inside Pry, it doesn't seem like this extension stuff happened:

[1] pry(#<Asciidoctor::Block>)> ls
  apply_header_subs  convert_quoted_text   lock_in_subs                  passthroughs                resolve_subs          sub_callouts        sub_post_replacements  sub_specialcharacters  
  apply_normal_subs  do_replacement        normalize_string              resolve_block_subs          restore_passthroughs  sub_inline_anchors  sub_quotes             sub_specialchars       
  apply_subs         extract_passthroughs  parse_attributes              resolve_lines_to_highlight  split_simple_csv      sub_inline_xrefs    sub_replacements       unescape_bracketed_text
  apply_title_subs   highlight_source      parse_quoted_text_attributes  resolve_pass_subs           sub_attributes        sub_macros          sub_source             unescape_brackets      
  add_role  attributes  document                    has_role?  id=        list_marker_keyword  normalize_asset_path   option?  read_asset     reftext?       role   set_attr         
  attr      context     generate_data_uri           icon_uri   image_uri  media_uri            normalize_system_path  parent   read_contents  relative_path  role?  set_option       
  attr?     converter   generate_data_uri_from_uri  id         is_uri?    node_name            normalize_web_path     parent=  reftext        remove_role    roles  update_attributes
  <<      assign_caption  block?  blocks?  caption=         content_model   context=  file     inline?  level=  query             remove_sub  sections   source_location   style   sub?  title   title?
  append  assign_index    blocks  caption  captioned_title  content_model=  convert   find_by  level    lineno  reindex_sections  render      sections?  source_location=  style=  subs  title=
Asciidoctor::Block#methods: blockname  content  lines  lines=  source  to_s
Haml::Helpers::ActionViewExtensions#methods: generate_content_class_names  page_class  with_raw_haml_concat
  capture_haml                find_and_preserve                haml_indent                html_escape                precede                 succeed               
  capture_haml_with_haml_xss  find_and_preserve_with_haml_xss  haml_indent_with_haml_xss  html_escape_with_haml_xss  precede_with_haml_xss   succeed_with_haml_xss 
  escape_once                 haml_concat                      haml_tag                   list_of                    preserve                surround              
  escape_once_with_haml_xss   haml_concat_with_haml_xss        haml_tag_with_haml_xss     list_of_with_haml_xss      preserve_with_haml_xss  surround_with_haml_xss
  autowidth?                     find_and_preserve_without_haml_xss  haml_tag_without_haml_xss     is_haml?                  preserve_without_haml_xss  succeed_without_haml_xss   url_query    
  block_is_haml?                 flatten                             html_attrs                    list_of_without_haml_xss  section_level              surround_without_haml_xss  video_iframe?
  capture_haml_without_haml_xss  haml_concat_without_haml_xss        html_escape_without_haml_xss  non_haml                  section_title              tab_down                   video_uri    
  escape_once_without_haml_xss   haml_indent_without_haml_xss        init_haml_helpers             precede_without_haml_xss  spread?                    tab_up                     with_tabs    
instance variables: 
  @attributes  @caption        @context       @document     @id     @lines               @next_section_number  @parent        @source_location  @subs 
  @blocks      @content_model  @default_subs  @haml_buffer  @level  @next_section_index  @node_name            @passthroughs  @style            @title
locals: _  __  __in_erb_template  _dir_  _erbout  _ex_  _file_  _haml_locals  _hamlout  _in_  _out_  _pry_  classes  code_class  code_lang  locals  nowrap  pre_class  pre_lang  this
[2] pry(#<Asciidoctor::Block>)> data
NameError: undefined local variable or method `data' for #<Asciidoctor::Block:0x007f68702fe858>
from (pry):1:in `block in singleton class'
[3] pry(#<Asciidoctor::Block>)> 
[4] pry(#<Asciidoctor::Block>)> 
[5] pry(#<Asciidoctor::Block>)> Asciidoctor::Extensions
NameError: uninitialized constant Asciidoctor::Extensions
from (pry):2:in `block in singleton class'

I'm sure I'm not doing any of this right, but that's what I've tried so far.
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Re: Accessing Middleman helper functions within Asciidoctor templates

This is a namespacing issue. I'll try to figure out how to get Asciidoctor templates talking to the Middleman config namespace. Stay tuned.


On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 10:20 AM, thoraxe [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I'm really just floundering here, but here's what I tried...

I created "lib" and then created "middleman-data.rb" which contains:

require 'middleman-core'
require 'middleman-core/core_extensions/data'
require 'asciidoctor'
require 'asciidoctor/extensions'

class MiddlemanDataPreprocessor < Asciidoctor::Extensions::Preprocessor
  def process document, reader

Asciidoctor::Extensions.register do
  preprocessor MiddlemanDataPreprocessor

This file looks like it's loaded by middleman:

== File Change: lib/middleman-data.rb

I then put a binding.pry inside my source/templates/block_listing.html.haml but, inside Pry, it doesn't seem like this extension stuff happened:

[1] pry(#<Asciidoctor::Block>)> ls
  apply_header_subs  convert_quoted_text   lock_in_subs                  passthroughs                resolve_subs          sub_callouts        sub_post_replacements  sub_specialcharacters  
  apply_normal_subs  do_replacement        normalize_string              resolve_block_subs          restore_passthroughs  sub_inline_anchors  sub_quotes             sub_specialchars       
  apply_subs         extract_passthroughs  parse_attributes              resolve_lines_to_highlight  split_simple_csv      sub_inline_xrefs    sub_replacements       unescape_bracketed_text
  apply_title_subs   highlight_source      parse_quoted_text_attributes  resolve_pass_subs           sub_attributes        sub_macros          sub_source             unescape_brackets      
  add_role  attributes  document                    has_role?  id=        list_marker_keyword  normalize_asset_path   option?  read_asset     reftext?       role   set_attr         
  attr      context     generate_data_uri           icon_uri   image_uri  media_uri            normalize_system_path  parent   read_contents  relative_path  role?  set_option       
  attr?     converter   generate_data_uri_from_uri  id         is_uri?    node_name            normalize_web_path     parent=  reftext        remove_role    roles  update_attributes
  <<      assign_caption  block?  blocks?  caption=         content_model   context=  file     inline?  level=  query             remove_sub  sections   source_location   style   sub?  title   title?
  append  assign_index    blocks  caption  captioned_title  content_model=  convert   find_by  level    lineno  reindex_sections  render      sections?  source_location=  style=  subs  title=
Asciidoctor::Block#methods: blockname  content  lines  lines=  source  to_s
Haml::Helpers::ActionViewExtensions#methods: generate_content_class_names  page_class  with_raw_haml_concat
  capture_haml                find_and_preserve                haml_indent                html_escape                precede                 succeed               
  capture_haml_with_haml_xss  find_and_preserve_with_haml_xss  haml_indent_with_haml_xss  html_escape_with_haml_xss  precede_with_haml_xss   succeed_with_haml_xss 
  escape_once                 haml_concat                      haml_tag                   list_of                    preserve                surround              
  escape_once_with_haml_xss   haml_concat_with_haml_xss        haml_tag_with_haml_xss     list_of_with_haml_xss      preserve_with_haml_xss  surround_with_haml_xss
  autowidth?                     find_and_preserve_without_haml_xss  haml_tag_without_haml_xss     is_haml?                  preserve_without_haml_xss  succeed_without_haml_xss   url_query    
  block_is_haml?                 flatten                             html_attrs                    list_of_without_haml_xss  section_level              surround_without_haml_xss  video_iframe?
  capture_haml_without_haml_xss  haml_concat_without_haml_xss        html_escape_without_haml_xss  non_haml                  section_title              tab_down                   video_uri    
  escape_once_without_haml_xss   haml_indent_without_haml_xss        init_haml_helpers             precede_without_haml_xss  spread?                    tab_up                     with_tabs    
instance variables: 
  @attributes  @caption        @context       @document     @id     @lines               @next_section_number  @parent        @source_location  @subs 
  @blocks      @content_model  @default_subs  @haml_buffer  @level  @next_section_index  @node_name            @passthroughs  @style            @title
locals: _  __  __in_erb_template  _dir_  _erbout  _ex_  _file_  _haml_locals  _hamlout  _in_  _out_  _pry_  classes  code_class  code_lang  locals  nowrap  pre_class  pre_lang  this
[2] pry(#<Asciidoctor::Block>)> data
NameError: undefined local variable or method `data' for #<Asciidoctor::Block:0x007f68702fe858>
from (pry):1:in `block in singleton class'
[3] pry(#<Asciidoctor::Block>)> 
[4] pry(#<Asciidoctor::Block>)> 
[5] pry(#<Asciidoctor::Block>)> Asciidoctor::Extensions
NameError: uninitialized constant Asciidoctor::Extensions
from (pry):2:in `block in singleton class'

I'm sure I'm not doing any of this right, but that's what I've tried so far.

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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux |
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Re: Accessing Middleman helper functions within Asciidoctor templates

Any luck here? I've poked around but I'm not enough of a Rubyist to know...